identity with Christ
But I'll like to modify the topic a bit as My Identity in Christ... I'll like us to personalize that topic so we can get the concept right
I'll take the text from 1st Pet 2:9 and I'll love to use the amplified version of the Bible
AMP: But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
I'll like us to meditate on this verse of the Scriptures. It tells who we are in Christ Jesus
And when you know who you are, then you take your rightful place in Him. Hallelujah
Identity is used to mean the sense of who you are. Wikipedia defines identity as the qualities, beliefs, personality, look and/or expressions that make a person or a group.
In my own words, identity simply means *who you are i.e what makes up the you that you are*
From our opening text, our identity has been rightly stated; a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation...
I'll centre my discussion on the first one because of the time. That's *A Chosen Generation*
I want that phrase to sink deep into our Spirit: *A Chosen Generation* And it's noted here that among the few that are chosen, you are one of them, Now, if you are chosen, then you are chosen to do something, *... that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.*. Your assignment on earth is to show forth the wonderful deeds of God, To display the virtues and perfections of Christ, The one who has called you out of darkness into His light. He didn't call you out of darkness to light for fun, It wasn't a child's play, He didn't bear all those pains on the cross for fun. *No! He didn't do all for nothing.*
*Your life is an investment in His hands. And that exactly is who you are.*
If you don't understand this basic truth, you will only keep wandering about with no specific direction. So, get that right first. If you do, the devil cannot just play away with your life. You can't just live a life without meaning. You can just walk aimlessly.
Now, you know that:
📌 You are a chosen generation.
📌 You are chosen for a divine purpose.
📌 You are God's representative on earth. You are to tell the world about His personality and His wonderful deeds.
Then, how do you go about fulfilling that assignment???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Your purpose defines who you are. Your purpose is a clear presentation of what you are created to be. Why are you on planet earth? What are you here? ..If you can answer these questions rightly, then you can tell the world about the wonderful deeds of Christ..This is because the answer to that is right there in the fulfillment of your purpose.
And when you understand what you are called to be, why you are on earth, the reason you are born, you have your stand in Christ. Nothing shakes you. You know your destination. You can measure how far you have gone. You know when you are not through. You have a greater access to your Father since you are going about doing His business. You are not moved by challenges. You are not shaken by situations or circumstances. You keep hope alive. You keep moving ,You understand where you are going. So, when you feel weak along the road or even break down, you pick yourself up again and move on. You don't give up. Your purpose gives you 1001 reasons to keep living. It draws your attention more to God. It keeps your eyes lifted up to the hills and definitely, help will come to you.
You were born to achieve something significant and you were destined to make a difference in your generation.
Your life is not a divine experiment but a project of providence to fulfill a purpose that your generation needs.
Discover your purpose and let it align you to your life partner and then, you will enjoy the rest of the years.
*Note:* If you fail to diciver and live your purpose, you are not the only one that will suffer the consequences, even your generation will. There are destinies attached to yours. So, don't fail God and don't fail them.
God bless you all.
Thanks for the privilege to minister here tonight.
Thank you for reading