2 min readSep 6, 2021

Grace Centre Devotional
September 6th, 2021
Topic: Formula For Success
Text.: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Prov. 3:5).

How much have you been trying to succeed in a particular endeavour? Do you think you have all the qualifications, connection and the resources to get you to where you desire? Yet things are not going well inspite of your many years of trial. The reason is because you are using the wrong formula for success: Relying on human wisdom, help and impressive credentials which usually are faulty foundations and path way to destruction.

The only way to prevent errors is to follow God's directions. God's wisdom leads to know edge and understanding. Wisdom brings us joy, keeps us safe and shows us how to choose the right course of action in every situation.

Knowing God's Word and obeying it is the only sure formula for a successful life. God's wisdom starts from his revealed word. He gives wisdom and victory. If you are faithful and keep your purpose of living clearly in mind, God will make you a great success of your desire.

Action Point: put God first

Prayer Point: Father, help me to trust and honour you through out my life time in Jesus name. Amen


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