TOPIC: Be a cheerful giver
James 2: 15-16
Date: Tuesday, 25 August 2020
15:If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food. 16: And one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?
Mr Tade joined the service half way down,Mr Tunde went to ask him why he was late and without his family not being usual of him, Mr Tunde confided in him that he has been on his way since 6:00am trekking so he could meet up and that last night there was nothing for them to eat. Mr Tunde then responded "you're blessed my brother" overlooking his needs.
Many a people refuse to give this days because they feel themselves are just managing but you must know this that God has blessed you with that you have to enrich the others and that is the law of multiplicity,don't be like Mr Tunde who was selfish, don't wait till you have enough. If you can't give out of the little you can't give when its bigger.
Prayer Point: Lord help me to be a cheerful giver even from the little you have given unto me.