TEXT: MARK 16:15
”And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature”
There are so much wickedness and disobedience to God’s word in the world today. Sin and evil are increasing in these last days and God is not happy about this. The coming of the Lord is very near and many are lost in this sinful world. Many have died in sin and gone to eternal punishment in hell fire. In obedience to the great command of our Lord and Savior. JESUS, we must rise and go out everywhere to rescue sinners out there from perishing. The message of the gospel of Christ is about the Kingdom of God and repentance (Mark 1:14-15). God does not want any sinner to perish, so He commands all to repent because He has appointed a day whereby He will judge the world in righteousness (Acts 17:30-31).
We shall consider three points in this message
COMMAND TO PREACH THE GOSPEL: (Mark 16: 15-20 : 2 Timothy 4:12).
Jesus Christ is our Savior, Master and Friend. He came to this world from Heaven for the major work of saving sinners from sin. He saves people and calls them to be His friend so that they can also go and do the work of bringing others to Him. As true friends of Jesus, we must obey the Master’s great command and follow His example. “And he said unto them, Go ye into the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16;15). This work is very urgent! The time is short, the workers are few, sinners are suffering and many are dying and perishing. Jesus may come at any time and sinners who are not saved will go to hell. Therefore, friends of Jesus must faithfully serve the Lord by obeying the command of Jesus to go and preach the gospel without giving excuses. Rise up and act today because the time is short and Jesus is coming very soon. Shalom
Prayer point: help me to obey your command on preaching the gospel, and as I do so let the blessing attached to evangelism be my portion.