2 min readSep 3, 2021

*Grace Centre Daily Devotional*
September 3, 2021
*Topic: By their Fruits*
*Text: Matt.7:20-21*
20. "Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."
21. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

The warnings Jesus gave in the passage and the four contrasting objects he used to teach about the Kingdom of God (Matt.7:13-14, 21-23 & 24-27). We have the choice to either follow the narrow road of self-denial and disciplined lifestyle or live to discipline ourselves.*"The man who goes to farm with a blunt cutlass will realize his folly at the end"* (Yoruba Adage), pictures the scene on the day of Judgement (vs.22-23).
The acclaimed man of God faces the Judge and reminds him of his successful ministry.*"My Lord Jesus Christ, I am your man. Remember the Prophesies that all came true, the demons that came rushing out, and many other signs and wonders I performed in your name."*

Guess What? The Judge did not dispute any of the Claims,the only thing that the Judge denied was that this man was a man of God (vs 23)! All his wonderful ministry amounted to nothing. So what? We are dazzled by the gifts of the holy spirit which God gives to believers and which Satan can counterfeit. God expects us to live a life that pleases him while promoting his Kingdom with the gifts he has given us.

*Action Points*: Don't be deceived by your gifts,ensure you live a holy life acceptable by God. *"Without Holiness,no man can see the Lord"*

Prayer Point: lord help me stay informed that I might finish well


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