Grace Centre Daily Devotional
November 18th, 2021
Topic: Dealing with the flesh part 3
Text: Rom. 6: 6
"Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves to sin."
We are spending another day looking on how to deal with our flesh, because the flesh is our greatest enemy as its lust against the spirit but the good news is that we can have victory in the Lord. Halleluyah
Are you ready to be Victorious over flesh? Then read on.
The power and penalty of sin died with Christ on the cross. Our "old man," our sinful nature died once and for all, so we are freed from its power. The body of sin" is not the human body, but our rebellious sin-loving nature, Paul emphasizes that we need no longer live under sin's power. We must know that the flesh is very dangerous and merciless; it enables man to engage in activities contrary to the Holy Spirit.
There is nothing to manage in the flesh. The method of God is to put the operations of the flesh completely out of the way. The flesh can not be renewed. Only the Lord can help you overcome the powers of the flesh.
Brethren, God's method of dealing with it is crucifixion. Do you now see the need for a crucified life? This is the only formula that will give you victory over the flesh. You must be crucified. You can not manage the flesh. Paul experienced the crucifixion of the flesh and self. No wonder he did exploits for God.
Have you ever been crucified with Christ? The solution to the problem of the flesh is to drag it to the cross and nail it there. You must decide today that flesh must be destroyed in your life. The moment you have victory over the flesh, Satan, demons, the world and sin will loose their powers and influences over you.
Action Point: Go to the cross where the price for your freedom has been paid for.
Prayer point: O Lord, crucify my flesh today in Jesus name