FRIDAY 24th APRIL, 2020
TEXT: Matthew 6: 20-21
“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasures is, there will your heart be also”
Treasure means valuable or important things like money, clothes, and other things that we greatly cherish. Many people love to acquire much treasure here on earth without thinking of eternity with God in heaven. The bible talks about the rich old fool, who only cared about acquiring treasures here on earth. After amassing so much wealth, he decided to relax and enjoy himself. God the owner of every life decided that his life here on earth was over; he died that night. Thus, he could not stay to enjoy what he had acquired here on earth. God referred to this man as a fool. Why? Because he had laid treasures for himself on earth but was not rich towards God (Luke 12: 14-21).
The things we have in this world will not last forever. They will become old and eaten up by termites and other insects. Also, we cannot take them with us to when we leave this world. That is why Jesus seriously warned and commanded all his friends not to lay their treasures here on earth. The Bible states that “the word passeth away and the lust thereof but they doeth the will of God abideth for ever” (I John 2:17). Those who love the things of this world more than the word of God are enemies of God. We are to have deep love for the things of the kingdom of God and not for the things of this world.
What does it mean to lay up treasures in heaven? How can we lay our treasures in heaven? These are two important questions that everybody must answer. Heaven is a holy place prepared for holy people. Jesus expects us to lay our treasures in heaven by living a holy life while we are here on earth. We are to have fear in God, love and honour and seek his glory more than any other things in this world. Give your time, talent, treasure and tongue for God’s service and his glory. You must also live a life that will make Jesus happy and constantly pray and watch for his coming.
Jesus warns us that, putting our love earthly treasures can hinder us from getting to heaven. For everyone to lay their treasures in heaven and be able to get there at last; a sinner must first repent and ask for forgiveness of sins and ask for the cleansing blood of Jesus. For those that are already saved should continue to live a holy life because God is holy and heaven is holy, as a child of God, your life must also show the fruit of the spirit.
ACTION POINT: Those who desire to live with God in heaven must set their love on the things of God like Prayer, reading and meditating on God’s word, obeying and living the word and sharing the love of Jesus with others. Earthly things will pass away but the things of God will last forever.
PRAYER POINT: Father please help me not to love the things of this world and lose my treasures in heaven. Help me to do the things that you love so that I can inherit my treasures in heaven.