DATE: 17th May 2022
TOPIC: Are you downcast?
TEXT: Psalm 62:7
In God is my salvation, He is my defense, I shall not be moved
David made a vow to praise God each day. He continually praise God through the good and bad times of his life. Do you find something to praise God for each day? David expressed his feelings to God and reaffirmed his faith. Prayer can release our tension in times of emotional stress.
Trusting God to be our rock, salvation and defense will change our entire outlook on life.
If your spirit is low today or in any other day, trust God to lift you up. Do not be held captive. Rest on God’s strength and you shall not be shaken. Fully depending on God is the only way to break ties with stress, sin and Satan
PRAYER POINT: Thank you Jesus because I have a great destiny and future secured in you and I know that my future shall be realized in Jesus name. Amen