DATE: 11th October 2021
“The man said, ‘The woman you put here with me – she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it”
No one ever likes to be in the wrong, or to be told that they have erred, but frankly speaking we make decisions or take actions that contradict the will of God a lot of times.
Making excuse started immediately after creation. Adam was the first man that God created, he had interactions with God every day, yet, when he got tempted into disobeying God’s instructions, the best he could do was to blame God for giving him a woman; and then passed the blame to his wife.
Eve, his wife was also quick to pass the blame to the serpent, claiming that the serpent made her disobey the instructions of God.
The two of them did not own up to the fact that they had some inner desires that the serpent capitalized on.
A lot of believers behave like Adam and Eve, always looking for someone else to blame for their ineptitude and if there is no one to blame, they make excuses like “It is the woman you have given me…’, ‘it was because I was hungry’, ‘It was my brother who made me marry her’, ‘it was my colleague that lured me’ etc.
All these statements indicate someone who has refused to maintain integrity and take due responsibility for their actions rather than make excuses.
Making excuse is a cheap way for justifying misbehaviour or misconducts thereby fueling our shortcomings and making them bigger.
Today, God is saying make no excuses, take responsibility for anything you do so that you can identify your inadequacies and work on them.
*Action Point*
Making excuses would reveal that you are not sober, neither have you
learnt any lessons.
*Prayer point*
Lord, I seek your mercy for all the excuses I have given to you when I err in Jesus Christ Name. Amen