DATE: Tuesday, 23rd February, 2021
TEXT: EPH, 1:18, NLT)
”I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people.”
When Jesus was teaching about the kingdom of Heaven, He used two parables about found treasures. First, he compared the kingdom of Heaven to a treasure hidden in a field. The man who found it joyfully sold all he had to buy the field. Second, the kingdom of heaven is compared to a merchant, who searched for choice pearls, when he found one of great value, he sold all he owned in order to buy it.
The kingdom of heaven is more valuable than anything else we can have, and a person must be willing to give up everything to obtain it. The man who discovered the treasure in the field accidentally stumbled upon it, while the second man intentionally sought it. But both men recognized the great value of what they found.
What is your attitude towards the treasure you have found in Christ? Are you willing to give up everything for the one who offers infinite, eternal riches that money cannot buy?
Action point: Start seeking and sorting now
PRAYER POINT: Help me to hold on to the treasure that I’ve found in you O Lord, in Jesus Name.