2 min readAug 9, 2020
Date: Sunday 9th August 2020
TOPIC : The Name of Jesus
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."
From the birth of Jesus Christ to his death on earth, there were people who wanted him dead. When Jesus completed his ministry, he was crucified for the sins of the world. After ascending to heaven, he sat down on the throne as the king of kings and Lord of lords.
In an amazing, initiative act of love, God the father reveals himself in Jesus his son and gave him all the power and exalted him high such that( Philippians 2:9) The name of Jesus is powerful. The greatest impossibilities on earth and in heaven is made possible through the name of Jesus. Let’s see some of the things that the power in the name of Jesus can do:
1.Through the name of Jesus, we are saved and delivered-Prov.18:10
2.Through the name of Jesus,we receive power-John1:12;John 14:12
3.Through the name of Jesus, we overcome every principalities and powers-Phil.2:10-11
4.Through the name of Jesus, every impossibilities is made possible.
5.Through the name of Jesus, we receive answers to our prayers-John 14:14
Action Point: Today we pray without receiving answers to prayer because of lack of faith. Why are we fearful when we have our weapon which is Jesus Christ with us.
Prayer point: By the power in the name of Jesus, I receive quick answers to all my prayers in Jesus name.