2 min readSep 27, 2020


Date: Sunday 27th September, 2020


TEXT: Hebrews 4:6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:


Whenever GOD makes a promise to his children, and the promise is yet to be fulfilled, sometimes the delay might be that the appointed time for it’s manifestation is not ripe or it could be the receiver haven’t gotten the capacity to receive that which God want to do. But our focus today is unbelief as an hindrance.

Unbelief can term as lack of faith or trust in God. It is expected that a believer must be Holy and must keep hoping that the promises of God will find expression soonest because God has perfect timing for our lives. Such individual will learn to move with the Holy Ghost so as not to miss out with the current trending of God.

Though the time of manifestation might be delayed, our hope and trust in God must be kept alive and we must not allow any forms of unbelief to rule us, you must ensure that you guard your heart diligently so as to reject every of devil’s proposal to make you seek an alternative to God’s plans for your heart. Don’t seek other ways to activate God’s promise like Abraham and Sarah did.

Furthermore, unbelief also play a major role in hindering one from entering into God’s rest. Our reading portion shows us the harm that unbelief can cause for an individual. Unbelief can hinder you from enjoying the benefit of God, unbelief can hinder you from enjoying God on earth.

Brethren we must cast out unbelief in our lives in other to enjoy God in all areas.

Action point: Feed your heart with God’s words so as to defeat unbelief

Prophetic declaration: I believe in what God has said concerning me,I am not moved by what the world or devil says but by what God says. Amen


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