Grace Centre Daily Devotional
Date: Saturday 18th July 2020
Topic: Wise planning
Text: Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
John has been fasting and praying for days. His house rent is already few weeks late. But all he keep hearing while praying is the words in today’s bible text. He realizes truly prayer doesn’t take the place of wise planning. If the ant can think and plan ahead, apparently he lacks wise planning.
Beloved, are you also like John who doesn’t plan ahead, you don’t have a storehouse. Some things like house rent (especially if you are working) shouldn’t be a prayer point. A popular preacher advised that your house rent shouldn’t be more than your two months salary so that you can easily save towards it through the year. You are praying to God fervently as a single for marriage but you don’t have any single plans ahead after the union. You are leaving everything in God’s hands.
Don’t be like a sluggard, learn from the ant. Prayer doesn’t take the place of wise planning!
Prayer point: Lord, help me to be a wise planner.