DATE: Monday, 22TH February, 2021
”but is displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry.”
Why did Jonah become angry when God spared Nineveh? The heathen people of Nineveh had believed Jonah’s message and repented. God responded in mercy by cancelling his threatened punishment. God forgave Nineveh, just as he had forgiven Jonah. The purpose of God’s correction was not revenge. He is always ready to show compassion to anyone willing to seek him.
Jonah did not want Nineveh to be forgiven. He wanted them destroyed. Unfortunately, many of us are like Jonah, we show our disgust with others if they defy or ignore God’s commands. When they are forgiven, we feel disappointed at God’s decision. Jonah’s understanding of God’s love was distorted. Is it possible that your view is also narrow? Remember that God devoted himself to you when you too were lost and hopeless. It is not justice but mercy that all desire. Begin now to confess to God any familiar reflection of Jonah in your life.
ACTION POINT: So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneh, but of God that sheweth mercy. Roman 9:16
PRAYER POINT: Forgive the way in which I have judge others O Lord. Help me understand your love and go along with your decision without murmuring in Jesus Name. Amen