2 min readAug 17, 2020


Date: Monday 17th August, 2020

TOPIC : The Poor In Spirit

TEXT: Matt.5:3

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".


The poor in spirit are people who evaluate their spiritual state with sincerity. They are those that humble themselves, trust on God and not themselves. They realize that God is infinitely holy and demands that they be holy. Their judgement about themselves is not based on human standard but God’s standard. They seek to be continually cleansed of their sins so they can be found worthy before God through the accomplished work of Jesus Christ (Lk.18:13).

Those who want to inherit God’s Kingdom must be qualified by the ways and values of His revealed requirements in the scripture and not by the standard of this world. Those who are not poor in spirit end up being distant from God. As long as those who are spiritually proud are among the people, God’s wrath will continue on them.

His solution is to cast away from their midst those who take pride in their sin. Only the meek and the humble will be left to inherit what God has in store for his people. What is your Spiritual Status?.

Prayer point: Lord, I reject all forms of spiritual pride that could disqualify me from inheriting the kingdom of heaven.


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