DATE: March 24, 2021
TOPIC: Don't forget your maker
"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them"
Many people have neglected their creator, some have forgotten their God, some only remember him in their evil days, the Bible says we should remember him in the days of our youth, meaning when we still have the strength to... not when the strength is lost(the evil days), we should remember God all the time, in Pain and joy.
How to always remember our creator
💎 Daily prayers and worship
💎 Making the word of God our priority and not optional
💎 Placing him above any other thing
Hezekiah is an example of those who remembered God his creator always, right from his youth 2kings 20:1-5, the fact that he has made God his priority and he was delivered at the point of death
Dorcas is also an example of those who remembered their creator always, Acts 9:36-41. When Dorcas died at first, widow were crying because they knew she was a cheerful giver and a lover of God, if not that she has the passion for the things of God. There is a tendency Peter prayed and she would not be restored.
PRAYER POINT:- I receive power and strength to always remember my creator always