*Grace centre daily devotional*
*DATE: March 19 2021*
*TEXT: Revelation 2:17* To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna.
In the wilderness, God supplied the Israelites with food called “manna” for forty years. It nourished their body and they grew in good health. In like manner, the Lord has promised to nourish the faithful believer.
“Hidden manna” suggests the spiritual nourishment that the faithful believers will receive just as the Israelites were nourished in the wilderness.
Jesus as the “Bread of Life” (John 6:51) is able to provide spiritual nourishment to His followers that satisfies our deepest hunger if we remain faithful. This is not the only promise from the Lord. He has also promised to give a “white stone” to the believer that overcomes.
The overcomer Christian is he who is able to resist the temptations of Satan, preserve himself in holiness, and keep himself undefiled by sin and all worldly attractions.
The “white” in the stone signifies “purity,” which could be indicative of God’s perfect acceptance of the believer and an assurance of eternity with Christ.
Living as an overcomer does not come easy but in due season it will produce abundant blessings, so never give up.
Satan as the prince of this world has introduced many contaminants into the world system as landmines to defile, distract and derail believers.
Any attempt to hold to the truth of scripture and preach the gospel in its purest form will attract negative comments and you may be accused of being a "fundamentalist," or "narrow minded," or "judgmental."
*Action Point*
*Keep your stand in Christ and never allow worldly influences to pollute your Christian life.*
*PRAYER Point*: *Pray that the Lord preserves you and His church in His holiness in Jesus Christ name.*