Grace centre Daily Devotional
Date: March 11 2021
Topic: Triumph of forgiveness
Text: Psalm 32:1
Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered
Psalm 32 is believed to have been composed by David after his sexual sin. He compounded his wrong doing by devising a sinister strategy that resulted in the death of the woman’s husband (see 2 Samuel 11-12). While these ugly incidents were behind him, the effects of his actions remained. Psalm 32:3-4 describes the deep struggles he experienced before he acknowledged the ugliness of his deeds; the gnawing effects of unconfessed sin were undeniable. What brought relief? Relief begins with confessing to God and accepting the forgiveness He offers (v. 5).
What a great place for us to start—at the place of God’s mercy—when we say or do things that cause hurt and harm to ourselves and others. The guilt of our sin need not be permanent.
There’s One whose arms are open wide to receive us when we acknowledge our wrongs and seek His forgiveness. We can join the chorus of those who sing, “Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered” (vs1)
Action Point:
Where do you run when you find yourself burdened by something you’ve done or said? When someone comes to you who’s struggling with guilt, how do you advise them?
Father, forgive me for the times when temptation has won in my life. Help me always to run to You for forgiveness and to seek the forgiveness of others when needed.