Date: June 2, 2020
TOPIC: *Stay connected to Jesus*
TEXT: John 15:5
"If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing".
There are different types of trees and each of these trees has their different uses. For the fruit-bearing trees, nothing interest the owner more than the fruits they will produce in their season as this is the mark of their usefulness. However, fruit-bearing is not possible when there is disconnection between the branches and the tree itself. A branch that has been cut-off cannot bear fruit again; it withers and dries off.
Jesus likened the life of a disciple to the relationship between the vine and its branches. The hallmark of Christian discipleship is fruit-bearing but no disciple can be fruitful if he is cut-off from Christ, the Vine. It is only as we connect ourselves to Christ and remain daily connected to him that we can be nurtured, nourished and empowered to bear fruits, that is, being a blessing to others. The daily disciplines of Bible study and Prayers are sure links that help us to stay connected to Jesus, do not trivialize them.
I refuse to be disconnected from you, Jesus.