DATE: April 20th 2023.
TOPIC: Not By Bread Alone.
TEXT: John 4:34 Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work.
Food is a very important part of our existence as human beings. Even before God created man, He had created the things that Adam and Eve would eat. At this we see that eating food is not ungodly. In fact as part of God's instructions to Adam, He told him what was available for him to eat. Gen 2:16 says "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat".
Amazingly, although food may appear basic and ordinary, nevertheless , man's existence does not depends solely on bread, It can lead to a man's downfall. A good example of this is Esau who sold his birthright for a plate of portage (Gen 23:29-34). We must therefore open our ears to learn from the Holy spirit when He speaks to us on food. Many Christian have shipwrecked their faith because of food and drink, failing to heed the Lord's warning.
Brethren, it is important that we take note that fulfilling God's agenda for our lives should more important than food, Jesus Christ our saviour makes us understand that His meat is to do the will of God, therefore, seek prioritising doing the will of God above everything.
Action Point: Seek to do the will of God always
PRAYER POINT: Father, give me the understanding of Your word, so I may live by it and not by bread alone. Amen