DATE: 9th February, 2020
“…If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify all unrighteousness …”
Two principles stand clear in Scriptures for resolving guilt: Repentance and Confession. Repentance (Greek Metanoia) is a mental decision that produces an act of the will. When we change our mind about our sins, we get to do something about that sin. No one ever truly repented and then went on sinning.
Confession (Greek, Homologeo) means to “say the same thing” or “to agree.” When we confess, we do not simply declare, “I have sinned.” We acknowledge that God’s judgment on that sin is just. The Bible promises, “…If we confess our sins,…from all unrighteousness…” (1Jn. 1:9). This means, then, of dealing with guilt is repentance and the method is confession.
The goal is the freedom of one’s conscience, which heals the guilty soul. Without a clear conscience, guilt cannot be resolved. Those who refuse to repent of sin will perish in that sin. Those who refuse to confess their sins will pretend things are resolved when they are not. They will never be free from guilt until they face their sin and do something about it. Acknowledge any hidden personal sin that is the root of your guilt.
Pinpoint wrong attitudes and actions that are eating you up with guilt. Be totally honest with God. He already knows what you have done, “….For the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts…” (1Chron. 28:9).
PRAYER POINT: Prayerfully ask the Holy be Spirit of God to reveal to you those areas of your life that are: not pleasing to God. As you do so, God will answer your prayers, in Jesus’ Name.