Date: 9th December, 2021
For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
Grace means God’s favour to the undeserving, It is the gift of God to man. Grace could also be seen as God's Riches at Christ Expense, it is all expenses paid for, that is why it seems only in the context of sin that grace can be appreciated, because as children of God we often think every thing we receive is our right.
God's grace can be seen in;
(1) Adam and Eve did not die, at least not immediately. Some writers have pointed out that Adam and Eve did die spiritually, which they showed by trying to hide from God when he came to them in the Garden following their disobedience and fall. That is true. But the physical death was also punishment for sin, and God said, “When you eat of it you will surely die.” Fallen, but alive. They now had time to repent of their sin, and believe God about the Saviour who would come, just as earlier they had doubted God’s word and they disobey him.
(2) God promised a Redeemer who would undo the devil’s work. The second great demonstration of the grace of God in the account of Adam and Eve’s fall is in the promise of a Redeemer found in verse 15. Adam named his wife Eve (Gen 3:20) Eve means “life” or life giver” and Adam named her Eve because of the promise of God to send a life – giving Saviour through her.
(3) God saved our first parents. That is, God justified them on the basis of what Jesus was to do just as God justifies us through faith in what Jesus has done. Adam and Eve expected to die, instead they found life.
ACTION POINT: Preach grace as often as you can, as much as you can, for as much of the glory of God as you can, because that’s what the gospel is. It is the unearned, unmerited favor of God at Christ’s expense.
PRAYER POINTS: Lord, Thank You For Your Saving Grace, help me not to take it for granted. Amen.