DATE: 8th April, 2023.
TEXT: Proverbs 29:23
A man's pride shall bring him low; but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit (KJV)
Pride ends in humiliation, while humility bring honor (NLT).
As Christian/ believers do we perceieve we still have pride in our lives? The main reason why the devil penetrate into most believers especially pastors is because of pride in their lives. Devil will first find a little stain in the garment of the believer which is pride and then set another trap for that believer like fornication, adultery, greediness and love of money.
Have we ever check the life of Job, have we seen him as a man of integrity before? The Devil never went near him until God himself told him if he has ever observe his servant Job. If Job has ever had pride hidden in his life, the devil would have penetrated even before God ask him to. And despite all that happening to him, he was still humble and trust God for his healing.
What about Esther? Wasn't her predecessor, Queen Vashti, dethroned because of pride? And as for Esther, she was made the queen and up to the last verse in the book of Esther, the bible never recorded it that she was ever proud. I know that most of us will think like is only God that can help one not to be proud when you get to a high position in life, but do we really read the book of Esther very well? There is no place that God was written in the book of Esther, yet she is humble and her people benefit from her HUMILITY.
In conclusion, you might think of yourself saying am not proud’, ‘I always respect all the words of the Lord’, well you may be right but that is not what the devil need to penetrate into our lives. As a worker/ member in church when we are ask to take a particular session in the church, do we humbly accept it? Or you that has an angelic voice and you are ask to give a special number, do you do it with integrity in our heart? Or you think you are very important and without you nobody can sing the song? It is a personal question, may the Lord help us.
Father Lord, help me to live my life with integrity and to do your work humbly without pride in Jesus name. Amen