Date: 4th November, 2021
TEXT: JOHN 12:26
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
How is your service to and for God? Your services to God is very important because after salvation comes relationship with God then in your relationship with God certain assignment will be given to you by God, you must therefore now give your totality to God in performing your services to God and you must also ensure that it is not partial services you're rendering but carrying out every assignment in obedience to God's instructions ( A case study of Saul). God requires the totality of our services to Him and in our services to God we must to follow his precepts as you learn about it in his word
and Vai communicating in prayers.
Note God uses many channel to relate and speak with his children, he can use any human of various age, race, intelligence, status. He can even decide to use animals, nature, scenerio etc because the earth is his. Psalm 24. Thus we must be open hearted and always connected in righteousness to hear and learn of and from God.
When we serve God wholeheartedly we tend to get honoured by God and he has a place prepared for us as a reward of our services to him. The state of your heart matters in rendering genuine services to God.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Let your services attracts God’s honour and rewards.
PRAYER POINT: Help me Lord Jesus to carryout my service to you with my whole heart and life.