Date: 4th July, 2021
Topic: My Heart with God
Text: Mark 16:1-6 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.
And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?
And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.
And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.
And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.
Worries and anxiety are phenomenon of life. It affluent is all dependent on how well we allow it. In our text today we see two female disciples, who woke up early to take care of their Lord, they knew there was an obstacle, they knew they couldn’t help themselves yet they left their houses with so much energy for care.
Challenges of life are real and inevitable but your readiness and wiliness is the factor Jesus is looking out for, so he could assist you. Like those women, how ready are you? Jesus sees and knows it all. If you are willing then he is ready.
The Bible records it that before those women could get there (VS 4) the stone had been rolled away. Make a move today and you will be suprise at the provision already prepared for you.
Another lesson is in Vs 5, those women did not just celebrate the rolled stone, they went further to know what was going on. Are you not relaxing on your previous victory? Press on like those women did, there is a God waiting to instruct and lead you; only if you would seek him.
Action Point: Onward brother, press on!
Prayer Point: I refuse to relax; I receive grace to press on till I get to my destination. Amen