2 min readJan 30, 2022


Date: 30th January 2022
Topic: Consider others too!!
Text: Contemporary English Version (US Version) 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 Some of you say, “We can do whatever we want to!” But I tell you not everything may be good or helpful. We should think about others and not about ourselves.

Its a pity that in most cases we tends to take some decisions without putting other people into consideration. Husband will take a decision without considering the wife and the wife also will take decision without considering the husband, the parents will take decision without considering the children, the children also will take decision without considering the parents and most importantly as children of God we take decision without considering the Lord. This act is not acceptable.

Brethren, the word of the lord to us all in this morning devotion is to ensure that we put other people in our decision process and we should ensure that whatever decision we will make will not be as against them. Government makes decision without checking the adverse effects on the citizens, the Lord is asking us all to repent!

Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
The above Bible verse says we should love our neighbors just as we love ourselves, this means that anything l can do or take is what I should do unto others.

Action Point: Do unto other as you would want them do to you.

Confession: Henceforth, I receive the Grace to put others in my decision.

Read further: 1 Corinthians 10:33 I always try to please others instead of myself, in the hope that many of them will be saved.

