DATE: 29th March 2023.
TOPIC: Living as Christ-like
TEXT: Matthew 26:41
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (KJV)
Vs 41a emphasizes, 'As Christ-like are we observing our lives? Is our lives different from that of unbelievers? Is Christ proud of us as his followers? These are the questions we should ask ourselves as Christ-like. Jesus said to his disciplines to watch and pray, he did not ask them to pray before they watch, as Christ disciples today are we really watching or observing our lives, can new converts learn more about Christ from us?
As Christ-like, the unbelievers should see us and understand more of the fruit of the spirit, our meekness, long suffering, love etc. should tell the unbelievers that we are Christ-like. We shouldn't be a stumbling block to those who are growing around us instead we should encourage them to run the race without sleeping or slumber.
Vs 41b; made us understand that the flesh is weak and the spirit indeed is willing, as Christ-like we should also not sleep or slumber, we rise and run the race without getting tired, because we are the vessels God want to use to teach people around us.
Father Lord, help me to live an examplenary life and help me not to be a stumbling block to those who are growing around me. Amen