Date: 27th July, 2021
Topic: Trusting God
Text: Proverbs 3: 5-6
”Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways, acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”
The moment you give your life to Christ and you start walking by faith, the devil will begin to fight you. He will try to get you into situation where you will doubt the power of God. But, if only you will look to God and trust His wisdom instead of your own, he will always show you a way of escape. He will do it in such a way that he will get the glory and you will laugh at the devil (2 Cor. 10:13).
Trusting in God means having a solid and unshakable faith in God. It is depending on God for help, especially in a time of crisis or need. Learning to trust God is the first step on the journey to Christian maturity. Only God is worthy of absolute trust, Security is never to be found in the other people or in things, but can be found only in relationship with the Lord, who brings freedom and fullness as we trust in Him. Next time, the devil tries to box you into a corner, get up and ask God to show you the way of escape.
Action Point: Put all of your hope in God and He will bring you out in victory every time.
Prayer Point: O Lord, as I put my trust in you, let your supernatural power come upon everything I do in Jesus name