Date: 25th October, 2021
Topic: The instructions!
Text: Deuteronomy 28:1
[1]“If you fully obey the lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world.
In the beginning indeed was the word and the word was God, so if it is not about what he is saying or have said then it is nothing to take cognizance of.
Have you ever wondered why we have the bible? Why events were synoptically recorded in the old testament and more of telling, narrations, revelations and instructions in the new testament. That's simply because he that was in the beginning never left, he exist now in us and He needs to let us bring him forth (1Peter 2: 9)
There is a standard to showing His praise forth and our text today simply outlines it 1. FULL obedience
2. keeping ALL that was commanded.
So it is not just about the act but our ability to make the act obedience a lifestyle.
Full time membership of the kingdom is fully embedded in our fellowship and obedience. What is the instruction for you today? Where did you get the instruction from? Who instructed you? If it is not in his word( the Bible) then you are wrong.
The bible is the word made available, the Holy Spirit is the interpreter who is always ready to assist. Get your instructions, obey and live!
Action Point: Make the bible your guide now
Prayer point: lord Jesus, come in to my heart today and to stay. Amen