Date: 23rd July 2021
Topic: Confess No Sickness, The Lord Has Healed Thee
Text: Isiah.53:5
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed".
There are four different thing that the Lord is communicating to us in this verse that Christ was Wounded, he was Bruised, he was Chastised and he was Striped. When you look at the passion of Christ from Gethesemane to Golgotha, it elaborates the Suffering which Jesus went through, not because he was a Criminal or he was an Offender but because the offense of sinners were laid upon him. All of his Sufferings was because of our transgressions and unrighteousness.
The Bible makes it known to us that "Without Shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin" When Christ was wounded, his blood was shed and the price of remission of sin was paid. Christ was bruised for our iniquities and through his bruises, we obtain mercy (1Pet.2:9-10).
The Chastisement of peace was laid upon him, Inorder for us to enjoy Peace, Christ was chastised at different point in time. Jesus was Striped, he was beaten 39 times all because of our healing, the work of healing was perfected after which Jesus was striped. Halleluyah.
Action Point: Believe you have been healed and always Confess it-Matt.12:37.
PRAYER: I Confess no sickness, no infirmities, no diseases in my body In Jesus Name.