Date:23rd January2021
Topic: Purity of heart
Text: Proverbs 4:23 Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts.
The heart is the starting point of every action taken, with the heart thought are conceived and birthed before steps are taken towards it's actualization. Little wonder the Bible admonishes us to guide our heart diligently.
We need to be intentional with what we allow in to linger in our heart, because we have little control on the thoughts that pops up, same as we can choose to discard or brood over the thoughts.
The state of our heart is important to access God because the bible records in Matt 5:8
KJV:Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. We need to be conscious of the state of our heart.
The purity of the heart is by the word of God and praying. Let's give ourselves to the study of the word and prayer to come out purified always as we become like Christ
Action point: Be conscious of the thoughts that you brood over
Prayer Point: Lord help me to keep my thoughts pure so as to see you always. Amen