Date: 21st, March 2022
Topic : Be Exceptional
Text:II Cor. 6:17a
"Therefore,come out from them and be seperate from them,says the lord"
To be exceptional means to be different,Unique or to stand out. It is that which is taken out from others. Excluding oneself from certain thing looks difficult but all we need to do is to be determined. Its a matter of choice,we have Ruth as a practical example in the Bible,she chooses to be quite different from every woman.
In a time like this,it takes a unique being to give up everything and follow God. I mean "everything" in quote. We need to give up everything and stand out for God. There's a difference between standing for God and standing out for God.
Every believer can stand for God but only few can stand out for God,this means even in the midst of so called christians today,we need to stand out for the defence of our faith.
God is telling us today that we are in the world but we are not of the world.
Father, grant me the grace to stand out for you in the midst of pleasures and pressures. Amen