DATE: 20TH MAY, 2021
TOPIC: Set them free (forgiveness)
TEXT: Matthew 6:14 (KJV) For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Forgiveness is one of the greatest challenges to man, because no matter what was done to you, you will still have to forgive.
Today, we will view forgiveness in the spiritual realm, if you fail to forgive someone of what they did to you, spiritually you are in the prison of that exact person. Example; there is a movie ; in the movie, the father defiled his daughter, when she was just eight (8) years old, the daughter then refused to forgive her father, the father is on his sick bed for years and the daughter is close to her 30's, and she is not yet married, still praying and God was silent, and when God finally decided to speak, she was instructed to visit her father forgive him father and set him free completely, from her heart. When she did, she found her husband and her father became free.
'Gbemi is the title of the movie from Mount Zion ministry.
If you forgive the person who has ever hurt you, even the worst, not justb that the person will be free but you as well, will see Jesus without vail covering your face.
Action point: vs 9, Jesus ask us to pray , that our father in heaven should forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespass against us vs 12, in agreement,if you fail to forgive those who have hurt you, you will not be forgiven by God vs.14 and you just commited a sin of telling lies.
Prayer point: Lord Jesus, help me to forgive others