Date; 20th March 2022
Topic: Touch Not!
"Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm".
As a child of God, you are not permitted to be buffeted. When the bible says "Touch not", it simply means that no hand of the devil is permitted to touch you or attack you. Every regenerated soul is not permitted to be under the yoke of the enemy. But the unfortunate turnaround of events is that many children of God are under the siege of the devil because they do not know that they carry the divinity nature inside their lives.
It is the truth that delivers and no one can defeat the truth because the truth is the light that illuminates our destiny. The truth is that no failure, no disappointment, no generational curse, no generational battles is permitted to touch you because it is written that “from henceforth, let no man trouble you for you bear in your body the marks of Jesus Christ.” Gal 6:17.
No hand of evil is permitted to touch me, my ministry, family and every aspect of my life in Jesus name. Amen