1 min readOct 18, 2022

DATE:18th October 2022
TOPIC: Patiently wait on God!
TEXT: “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” (Psalm. 37:7)

Speed has reached epidemic proportion in our world today. Everyone is in a hurry to get to a place. Speed is a factor of fatal auto accidents and many die in speed-related crashes.

Spiritually, sometimes we seems to be in a hurry as well, getting impatient when it seems nothing is happening and trying to speed things up and help God out. Sarah got impatient and offered her Egyptian maid to Abraham so he could father a child, an action which she later regretted.

The Christian life is designed to wait on God to act. Allow him to provide guidance and to fulfill his promises, as well as to right your wrongs.

We need the help of the Holy Spirit to trust God. Our memory verse instructs us to be still and rest in the Lord for all things. Don’t rush out of God’s will into sin. Slow down and allow God to have his way in your life. Prayer can release our tensions in times of emotional stress. God will reward you as you patiently wait for him like David.

ACTION POINT: Seek God, even now!

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, teach me to be still and never to rush out of your hand into sin. Let my blessing come as I patiently wait on you in Jesus name. Amen


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