2 min readJan 18, 2021

Date:18th January 2021
Topic: What seed are you sowing?
Text: Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

What you sow will determine what you will reap. A farmer who plant maize cannot reap beans. This is a clear indication that whatsoever seed you give yourself to sow, you will definitely reap it.
King David is an example of someone who, sometime in his life sowed a negative seed by killing one of his servant so as to cover for his evil seed, he thought he won't reap what he had sown but God who sees us all sent prophet Nathan to him so that he can know that the seed he sowed is ripe.

Brethren, you must ask yourself and know the kind of seed you are sowing, is it through your character or the words that comes out of your mouth? The principle of sowing and reaping is such that is active and relevant.. the hero's and heroin of faith as revealed in Hebrew 11 sowed a good seed and till date we can talk of them as it is still germinating. Whatever you sow, you will reap; now or in the future even your relatives will be a partaker of it. Becareful!

Action point: Check yourself very well and examine the kind of seed you are sowing

Prayer point: Holy Ghost, correct me in my wrongs. Amen


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