DATE: 14th October, 2020
TOPIC: Say no to fear
TEXT: 2 Timothy 1: 7
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and
Job was a God fearing man, he was submissive and obedience to God’s work but he has an iota or trace of fear in him. In Job 1:5, Job was fond of purifying his children after each celebration, he was scared of his children sinning against God because he does not want to lose them, but at the end, what he feared most later happened to him; he lost his children within a day.
Brethren, what is that thing that you are scared of? Psalm 118:17,”I shall not die but I will live to tell what the Lord has done.” Boldly tell that prophet that prophesy death to your life that you will not die, conquer your fear with boldness and confidence in the Lord.
For you to conquer your fear, you need to build your faith. Romans : 10 – 17, faith cometh by hearing the word of the Lord. In order for you to kick off the fear in you, you must know God’s words deeply. Understand the word, using/acting in line with the word really matters. Ephesians 6:16, faith is needed to conquer the fear in you, don’t allow Satan to make you a laughing stock all in the name of the fear in you.
Action Point: Say no to fear, instead pick up your faith and hold on to the word of God.
Lord, I want to draw strength from God’s word, grant me the Holy Spirit to hold firmly in you alone. Amen!