2 min readMay 14, 2021

DATE: 14TH MAY, 2021
TEXT: 2 Tim 4:7-8
7. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8.Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Currency is what is exchanged for goods bought and services rendered. God saved us from sin and enlisted us for His service to prepare us for rewards and to reign with him in eternity. So many are serving today with no record for their service, either the master they claim to serve does not know them or their service is not reasonable before God (Romans 12:1-2). If truly you have been involved in the service of the master, a service to a master that knows you, a reasonably service devoid of wrong motives, ambition, competition and show of self, then you stand the sure rewards accrues.

To be victorious, three criteria exemplified by the life of Paul must be met.
(a) The fight must be a good fight.
(b) you must finish the race victoriously.
(c) And the faith you defend while fighting must also not be soiled.

Any fight that is not against the flesh, sin and Satan is not doing anything. fighting in the church today for many ungodly reasons are distracting and affecting our race spoiling the profession of our faith.It will not attract any reward, in short, it can disqualify us for heaven.

Paul fought the good fight, he kept the faith, he run the race with endurance and he kept the faith. He was rewarded appropriately.

ACTION POINT: Paul fought the good fight, he kept the faith, he run the race with endurance and he kept the faith without allowing the faith to be soiled.

PRAYER POINT: Help me O Lord to fight the good fight, run the race faithfully and keep the faith from been soiled.


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