2 min readJun 14, 2020

DATE: 14th June 2020
TOPIC: New wine and New wineskin 2
TEXT: Luke 5 vs 37-39
37 Nor do you pour new wine into used wineskins, because the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will pour out, and the skins will be ruined. 38. Instead, new wine must be poured into fresh wineskins 39. And you don't want new wine after drinking old wine. 'The old is better,' you say."

Wineskin is a container or bottle for wine. It must first be established that the old wineskin can not contain the new wine, if new wine is poured into the old wineskin, the wineskin will burst and the wine will be wasted. Why will the old wineskin burst despite the fact that it has been used for wine before? This is because the new wine will be stronger and better in all ways than the old wine. Thus, the wineskin to contain the new wine must be powerful and stronger than the old wineskin.
The new wineskin being powerful than the old wineskin is not the actual point, but it must be powerful enough to contain the new wine. For the new wineskin to be better than the old wineskin, an extra work must be done on it's making and that is where the problem lies; Man as the wineskin is not patient enough and yielding enough to be made fit for the new wine. We don't want to pay the sacrifice for the making. "The sacrifice or price to pay is Death; death to flesh and our wills" because the effect of the new wine is to restore us back to the life of the spirit (Being drunk and filled with the Spirit)
And the fact is that we can't have the new wine unless we're fit to contain it and that's what Jesus was doing in His disciples that He didn't allow them to fast while He was with them making them. Can the Spirit moves you as a wind?

Lord Jesus, please give me hunger for the new wine, that will propel me to yield to your making as the perfect new wineskin


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