DATE: 14-12-2021
TEXT: When Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end." (Jn. 13:1).
Jesus knew he would be betrayed by one of his disciples, disowned by another, and deserted by all of them for a time. Still "he loved them to the end. God knows us completely. He knows the sins we have committed and the ones we will still commit, yet he loved us. It is easy for us to imagine that we love our brethren who are thousands of kilometers away, but our problem is in loving the brother or sister with whom we are in constant association, whose temperament is the opposite of ours, and who has many faults than we do. We feel if people were more Christ like, we would find it much easier to love them!
How thankful we should be that God did not wait for us to be Christ like before He would love us. We are to love one another. This is a sacrificial love and it is for the glory of God. Christ laid his life down, for us, we should do likewise for other. The ministry of Peter, Paul and John emphasizes the fact that if indeed God's love is in our hearts, we will love other all the way. Please glorify God by practicing the self sacrificial love from today.
Prayer Point: Help me to show love to other as I come in contact with them from today in Jesus name. Amen