2 min readMay 10, 2021

DATE: 10th May, 2021
Topic : The message in the messenger
Text : Ephesians 4:13
KJV:Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

The officers answered, 'Never man spake like this man.John 7:46. This was because Jesus himself was the message. God's method is always to pass his message through the spiritual history of the messenger, not to get a man to go to the library and study the book, but to make the messenger the book. People have to be able to read the messenger and see the message of Christ in him.

The pattern through which we can fulfil the divine commission to make disciples of all nations and to impact our generation is that our life reflects the message of Christ. Like apostle Paul we should be determined to know nothing among the world, save Christ and him crucified. We ought to use our special knowledge for spiritual purpose.
Are there areas in your life that doesn't reflect the message of Christ? allow Christ to take over those areas until men see Christ and not you. Until the message becomes flesh in the life of the messenger and dwell among people, until then, the glory will not be seen.

Action Point: When our lives becomes the message, darkness will disappear.

Prayer Point: lord let my life lead men to the cross. Amen


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