DATE: 3rd August 2022
TOPIC: Imitating Christ’s Humility
TEXT: Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
Phil 2:5
I remember back in school when we were just going to Fellowship just because we are Christian. The text was our watch word but I never understood what it means to have the same mind as Christ had.
The word of God makes us understand that Christ died for all, not because He sinned but because the word of God must be fulfilled. There are some traits in us that can’t be traceable to that of Christ, which is pride. Pride makes you feel right in everything you do even when you are wrong. Bible says in Proverbs 16:18 that pride comes before destruction. For us not to be destroyed, anything we do or whatever situation we find ourselves, we just need to ask ourselves, what will Jesus do if He was in this situation. Maybe a wrong thought came to your mind and it tells you to lie just think about what Jesus would do.
If u don’t know Christ there is no way you can know the kind of life He lived. Bible says Jesus is the way, the truth and life no one can come to the Father except through Him(John 14v6).
Do you know Jesus, have u met with Christ?
Father, please help me to know Your way and destroy everything working against Your humility in me.
Have a Blessed Day.