9th June,2020
Topic: Christian in word or Deed?
Text: 1 John 3:18
[18]My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
The early Apostles were called Christian because they saw the practicality of Christ nature in them, all of their actions communicate about Christ in action and this gives room for everyone to see Christ’s reality in them even when Jesus Christ had departed this world to be with the Father.
There is a common saying that people no longer read the Bible again but they read and study the lifestyles of Christians, which means it is possible for others to see and hear the gospel of Christ through you when you live according to what Christ Jesus has taught you.
Jesus (Act 1:1) was a practical man because He began to do before He started teaching people the word of God. Can you now ask yourself if you’re acting in obedience to the word of God or you are such who just read or even teach the word without putting it into practices.
Brethren, it is time we began to act by being the doer of the word of God and not just hearer alone. James 1:22,
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
*Action point* : Be ye the doer of the word
*Prayer point* : I receive the compelling Grace of God to be the doer of God’s word in Jesus