DATE: 16th May 2022
TOPIC: Are you Valuable to God?
TEXT: Lev. 27:12
He will assess its value, and his assessment will be final
Are you living as though you are valuable to God or like you are not worth much? Once you accept Christ as your saviour, you are marked with the Holy Spirit, your name is written into the Lamb’s Book of Life. God recognizes his children in the world. God does not need a scanner to tell him you are valuable.
All the riches in the world cannot be compared to the value of eternal life with God. He purchased or souls at an immense expense through the death of His son Jesus Christ.
Your value is determined by the blood of Christ. How are you living your life? Don’t be careless and go back to sin. If you do, it implies you don’t consider Jesus blood as valuable for you. Don’t spend your energy seeking the pleasures of this world which is only temporary. Are you willing to make the pursuit of God more important than the selfish pursuit of pleasure? Follow Jesus and you will know what it means to live abundantly now and live eternal life.
PRAYER POINT: Deliver me from every spiritual and physical entanglement that may lure me out of your presence in Jesus name. Amen