DATE: 30th June 2022
TOPIC: The Spoken Word
TEXT: Prov. 8:9 “My words are plain to anyone with understanding, close to those with Knowledge. “
We live in a world where “words” have been abused. Today. we are surrounded by all manner of words that are empty and twisted.Wise words are hard to come by. Helpfully, God’s Word is available to help combat the effects of the uncultured words around us. Only God’s words give wisdom and life and only his word’s are eternal. The meaning and usage of words may change from time to time.but the message of the Bible does not change.
The word of God includes both speech and action. It is powerful, for by it, God created all things and by it He still cares for His creation. God’s word is fruitful, and it does not go forth without producing powerful results. His word is reliable and true. It has been written down as Scripture, God’s inspired Word. More important, it has come to us in human flesh in Jesus Christ, the word of life. God has given us the Holy Spirit to interpret His word and teach us how to apply them to our lives. As you continue to study the Scriptures, God will increase your understanding and make his word clear to you. If you want God’s word to make a meaning into your life, pray and depend on the Holy Spirit everyday.
PRAYER POINT: Dear Holy Spirit, define and interpret God’s word to my spirit, so I can live a life of commitment to him in Jesus name. Amen