Grace Centre Daily Devotional
21st April, 2021
TOPIC: Rejoice As You Await God’s Promises
TEXT: HAB 3:18
Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
The understanding and knowledge of whom God is, what He can do, and the mighty works He had done in time past, gives better assurance during the waiting period on His promises. The prophet thought back upon the encounters of the Israelites in pervious times and saw what incredible things God had accomplished for them.
The prophet made plans to rejoice and triumph in the lord, for when everything is gone, love and joy in the word of God will keep him. Also, in addition, the individuals whom, when full, delighted in God and rejoiced in His name, even when exhausted and poor too they still appreciate God in all. During seasons when we met with losses and sorrow in the world, even when provisions are cut off, to make it appear that man lives not by bread alone, we are supplied by the grace and comfort of God’s spirit, knowing this, that none of His word will go void. He keeps His covenant from generation to generation.
Rejoice and praise Him for His promises as you await your testimonies.
ACTION POINT: Rejoice; oh! rejoice for we serve a never failing God.
PRAYER POINT: Lord Fill me with overflowing joy at all times.