2 min readNov 1, 2020
  • Grace Centre Daily devotional
    1st November, 2020
    Topic: That one step
    Text: Mathew 1:1-3.
    [1]This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham:
    [2]Abraham was the father of Isaac.Isaac was the father of Jacob.Jacob was the father of Judah and his brothers.
    [3]Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah (whose mother was Tamar).Perez was the father of Hezron.Hezron was the father of Ram.

The message
Has it ever occurred to you that the account of the ‘ancestors’ of Jesus didnt give record about the parent or relatives of Abraham? (of which genealogically they belong to the ancestors of Christ?) Have you ever thought of why the record had to start from Abraham himself?

A brief history of Abraham tells us that this young man got an instruction to leave all that defines him and set out for a new definition to be yet revealed; very foolish you may think, I mean, who does that? Yet this young man set out, trusting Him that had called, to be faithful to his called. And today, Abraham is a Daddy: of many born and unborn. The father of faith himself!

All that was needed was ‘Obedience’. That was the sacrifice for a life time covenant. Amazingly his act of obedience brought limelight to members of the individual deserving and undeserving.

There is a call/responsibility today for you. It may seem foolish, but he says follow me and I will make you fisher of men. Mathew 4:19. Take that one step of action, Obey! And redeem all that is yours now and to be. You never can tell what work of redemption your Obedience is cooking up.

Action point: Read your Bible, pray, seek God and Obey! shalom

Prayer point: lord help me to take that one step. Amen


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