2 min readApr 1, 2021

Grace Centre Daily Devotional
1st April 2021
Topic: The fool and His Folly
Text: Proverbs 26:1-3
1: Expecting snow in summer and rain in the dry season makes more sense than honoring a fool. 2: A curse you don't deserve will take wings and fly away like a sparrow or a swallow. 3 Horses and donkeys must be beaten and bridled—and so must fools.

The message
The summer and harvest time are both “a giving out time” Preceding these times, there is a season of “input” a season of “invest” that requires a lot of hard work, focus, leaning in the instant, discipline, diligence, sacrifice(most important) etc. Therefore, for summer and harvest input/impact should not be exempted , for it is an expectation of much regard.
The Bible thus says, honour is scare in the bosom of fools. Why? The reason is because when it was time to input, impact and invest they were not available. Your availability for every season determines the fruit you will yield in the next. You get available by seeking and being open to knowledge, trials, sacrificing, patience, and discipline. Only then can the fruits of you bring you honour hir.
Our Lord Jesus Christ got prepared by praying consistently and he encouraged us to do same (pray without ceasing) for the prayer of the righteous avails much. He further encouraged us to read the word day and night as he concludes that the totality of our existence lies in His Fear and Obedience (Ecc12:13)

Action Point: Rise now, seek knowledge and harvest. Nothing happens without a reason.

Prayer point: Lord I receive strength to do that which is right at the right time. Amen

Happy New month, we are living we are existing!


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