Grace Centre Daily Devotional
12th April, 2021
Topic: ye worship that ye knoweth not.
Text:John 4:22
This scripture was said to the Samaria woman Jesus meet at the well, same text is also telling we that claim to be God's disciple or believer.
Most people serve God because they solely believe in their pastor call, some serve God because they are workers in the church as they believe they are doing everything to please Him, some serve God because of their family background; Their parent are pastor and pastor mrs, some because they share items in the church while some serve God because of the miracles they are expecting from Him. But am telling you today, if all these or one of those listed reasons are your motive for service in the vineyard, then, Brethren today message is for you.
You don't serve God for selfish interest, you need to know Him as your personal saviour, believe in His resurection.
Stop serving God base on some benefits you derive from your pastors or church at Large or because you want to be praised all the time, if your believe are on these foundation you are not different from those that worship gods. Remember 1Cor.15:50 you are still in flesh and blood.
John 4:23, Says True worshipper will worship Him in truth and Spirit, for you to be more closer to God, Learn to worship Him in truth and spirit.
In conclusion, Matt 6:24, it's impossible to serve two master as according to the scripture you can't serve God and money, popularity, wealth, pride or anything together. You must know that which you holding on to.
Prayer Point: Father help me to believe in your death and resurrection now and forever