Date: 27th May, 2020.
“Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee”
Some other bible versions translated today’s anchor scripture as free your mind from the love of money. But our message today focuses on our attitude, some people today worship covetous in their heart which leads to envy and hatred within them. Youths of today, always want miracle money, do what others are doing, dress in the latest attire, always want to be ahead their colleagues in all areas of life. Some even want to get married and give birth because their mates are doing it. They are never contented with what they have and are never ready to work for all these desires of theirs. At times, our physical lives has damaged our spiritual lives, but we are still ignorance of it. We are carried away by material things and have forgotten we have to seek ye first the kingdom of God. I am not saying we shouldn’t dress, look beautiful or work to get money, but I am saying we shouldn’t get too carried away by those things and allow covetousness to enter into our lives, lets try to create time for God in our tight schedules.
I pray by the power of the Holy Ghost, generational poverty and spiritual lukewarmness shall be impotent for our sake, in Jesus name. Amen.
Prayer Point: Father, let the fire of revival fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.